Dr. med. Stefan Maas – specialist in facial plastic surgery and complex ENT surgery

Dr. Stefan Maas portrait

As a patient troubled by a noticeable deformity of the nose or with a complex, damaging or growing ear condition, you are reliant on a well-trained nose or ear surgeon.

Enthusiasm, motivation and having the appropriate entry qualifications are not enough by themselves, as only a few doctors receive the high-quality and extensive training required for these two demanding surgical disciplines.

Prof. Dr. med Wolfgang Elies

I am therefore particularly thankful to my clinical and surgical mentor Wolfgang Elies, who subsequent to my training as an ENT doctor, then enabled me to begin my special surgical training and supported me throughout.

Traing as ENT specialist doctor

As part of my solid training nationally and internationally, which involved not only academic study at university, but was also clinically and surgically based, I am a qualified specialist doctor in ENT medicine, as well as in head and throat surgery.

Training as facial plastic surgeon and special ENT surgeon

As I explained above, my specialist training to be a facial plastic surgeon (plastic surgery) and special ENT surgeon was led by Wolfgang Elies. In the course of many 7-day weeks, he showed great personal commitment in training me surgically for a number of years. He also shared with me his enormous wealth of surgical experience, which he was able to gather as a neurosurgeon, ENT doctor, head and throat plastic surgeon and as a pupil of Professor Plester.

I am also grateful to him for the opportunity to take part in a number of national and international advanced training courses and the network of contacts I have built up from these. I also owe my advanced nasal surgical training to Wolfgang Gubisch and my advanced surgical training on the ear and base of the skull to Ugo Fisch and Thomas Linder.


The development of the Kassel L-Beam, the establishment of the RHINO®-Workshop as the largest German-speaking practical training courses for complex aesthetic nasal surgery and my work as tutor and advisor for the Fisch International Microsurgery Foundation would not have been possible without the intensive, challenging and stimulating training from Wolfgang Elies. This is also especially true for the accreditation of my practice as one of 16 centres worldwide for ear and skullbase surgery for the Fisch International Microsurgery Foundation and the founding of the RHINO-OTO-CENTRE.

Sustainability and expertise from specialisation

Despite a decidedly broad and solid training in all aspects of head and throat surgery, from the very start of my training I placed a great deal of emphasis on highly-specalised work in nose and ear surgery and dedicated myself more and more to this specialism. A consequence of this has been that for several years now my work has been almost exclusively in nose and ear surgery. This very high level of specialisation means that I tend to refer patients with less serious complaints, such as colds, dizziness, hoarseness, sore throats, laryngeal illnesses or tonsillitis to other colleagues. For this reason I am however available to help you with any questions you may have about a nose correction or post-correction or for all ear and skullbase (side of the skullbase) conditions, based on my many years of experience. And I can also offer this, if you have already had a number of previous operations.

National and international study of medicine

  • German State Examination (University Comprehensive University Essen)
  • American State Examination (ECFMG - Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, Philadelphia, USA)

Specialist training for complex ENT surgery and plastic facial surgery

  • Doctor for ENT medicine(Exam: Medical Council Westfalen-Lippe 2001)
  • Special ENT surgery (Exam: Medical Council Westfalen-Lippe 2006)
  • Plastic surgery (Exam: Medical Council Westfalen-Lippe 2006)

Practical work

  • Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, England
  • University ENT Clinic Essen
  • Clinic for ENT medicine and plastic ear and throat surgery, Bad Lippspringe
  • Clinic for ENT medicine and plastic surgery at the city hospitals Bielefeld-Mitte
  • Leadership of the Plastic Surgery Section at the ENT Clinic SK-Bielefeld, deputy senior consultant for special ENT surgery
    (Senior consultant: Prof. Dr. Elies)

Regular advanced training in Germany and abroad

  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Microsurgery on the ear and the side of the skullbase
  • Surgery on the salivary glands and facial nerves
  • Endonasal surgery on the sinus cavities, the anterior base of the skull and eye sockets


  • German Society for ENT medicine, head and throat surgery
  • APKO (Working group  plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic head and throat surgery)
  • German professional association of ENT doctors e.V.
  • International and European Rhinologic Societies
  • European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Rhinoplasty Society of Europe
  • FIMF (Fisch International Microsurgery Foundation)
  • Expert council German nose surgeons

Herr Dr. med. Stefan Maas promotes the passing on of specialist medical knowledge by attending congresses, medical workshops and further specialist training as a speaker. In addition he is committed to the continuing development of surgical techniques.