Aesthetic nose correction at the Rhino-Oto-Centre. Ask for a consultation about modern operative rhinoplasty options to correct a saddle nose
The basic aesthetic difficulty related to a saddle nose and other wide nose shapes is that the nose then becomes extremely dominant visually. For example, the more a saddle nose takes centre stage when looking into your face, the more other zones of the face get pushed into the background. The whole harmony and coherence of the face is affected by this.
The basic surgical difficulty is the complexity of rhinoplasty when correcting a saddle nose. Often an acceptable result from a nose operation can only be achieved by grafting cartilage from other parts of the body, generally from the ear or the costal arch.
In our long years of experience rib cartilage is the best transplant material when correcting a prominent saddle nose. We have developed the Kassel L-Beam technique to make the use of rib cartilage safer and more successful. This method was developed to increase the probability of good result in the long-term. Even with supposedly hopeless starting points for individual patients, this can often pave the way towards an acceptable result.
As we have carried out a large number of aesthetic and functional nose corrections, nose post-corrections and nose reconstructions in the last few years, our long experience has given us a feeling for potentially successful saddle nose corrections. We are happy to advise you about the advantages of the Kassel L-Beam and your future aesthetic options.