Side of the skullbase surgery & facial nerve displacement. Our expertise and profound anatomical knowledge is used for the displacement of the facial nerve.
In addition to the central focus of ear surgery, for many years now we have been particularly interested in microsurgery of the lateral skull base. The close association of these two surgical areas makes sense, because here the anatomical structures merge one into another. For instance, the temporal bone sits next to the outer ear. This bony area, which very many head surgeons quite rightly consider the most important skull bone, offers housing for the inner ear or the organ of hearing and equilibrium, the facial nerve, the main artery of the head also known as the arteria carotis and the largest venous channel in the head. Also, the temporal bone is the central load-bearing and stabilizing element of the lateral skull base. The term otobasis, i.e. ear base is also often used for this zone in ENT surgery.
To support patients with disorders competently, especially those with tumours in this anatomical area, a qualified surgeon must not just know the surgical anatomy of the side of the skullbase in detail. Above all, when removing a tumour, he must also have the knowledge and practical surgical ability to preserve the various sensitive structures of the petrous bone.
For many operations on the lateral skull base, the skill to move the nervus facialis before accessing the actual area of operation is crucial. In our group practice, we possess the necessary surgical experience and can offer a gentle approach, avoiding injury to the facial nerve that otherwise could result in paralysis of the facial muscles.
For optimal patient safety, we monitor the facial nerve during surgery, as we do for example in operations on the middle ear and the parotid gland. The high-performance special device used for this is called the facial nerve monitor and, for the surgeon, is of the utmost importance during removal of skull base tumours in monitoring preservation of the facial nerve.
Patient information:
As every human being is different and in medicine, because of its very nature, the success of a method cannot be guaranteed, all of our patients receive information before the treatment starts about the procedure, possible alternatives and even about possible risks and complications. Because we want to achieve the best possible care in partnership with you.